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2021 Biopharmaceutics And Pharmacokinetics Book By Brahmankar Pdf 369


Category:1948 births Category:Living people Category:Indian pharmacologistsPastor Ryan Bell shows his support of Sen. Bernie Sanders during the Vermont senator’s visit to the Northside Unitarian Universalist Church of Burlington. Written by Chris Churchill Last week, thousands came out to march with Sen. Bernie Sanders at the Northside Unitarian Universalist Church of Burlington to show their support for his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president. But only the bare minimum media presence was provided by the Sanders campaign. (The Vermont newspaper Seven Days only covered the event in its back page, while the regional newspaper Burlington Free Press published one sentence about the march on its website.) The lack of coverage was so complete that even in his interview with Seven Days, Sanders said the media hadn't asked him anything about Sanders' views on the pharmaceutical industry or national defense spending. And so last week, Sanders came to the South Burlington church to find out what Burlingtonites have to say about the Vermont senator's performance on the campaign trail and his views on health care, the middle class and education. Here are some of the highlights. To read the entire article and see more coverage, and the slideshow, of Sanders' visit to the church, click here. Bell's loyalty to Sanders There was a reason that there was little advance publicity for Sanders’ visit to the church. The Burlington congregation is made up of Bernie Sanders fans. “I love what he’s saying,” said Ryan Bell, who was one of the people who showed up with Sanders last week. “I’m an independent, and I’m a Democrat and I think there’s a lot of positives to the Sanders campaign, but I’m not a huge fan of Hillary Clinton.” Bell said he is supportive of Sanders’ “idea of a universal health care program, of ending private insurance companies. He’s also looking at the same things the Green Party is looking at, like a guaranteed minimum income.” “I’m really excited to see what he does as president,” Bell said. “He’s got a plan for everything. He wants to get all the troops home from Iraq. He wants to make the budget balanced. He’s talking about equal rights be359ba680

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